factory hand 双语例句
1·The fifth was a factory hand, a thin, sallow lad of eighteen, in a dressing-gown.
2·I am constantly developing new plant varieties, hope has units or individuals with knowledge of our factory hand in hand.
3·In the intervening period he worked as a factory hand, a labourer, a gardener and, for ten years, as a computer systems designer.
4·On the other hand, studios also had to cultivate flexibility, in addition to consistent factory output.
5·The reporters from Xinjiang who stumbled on the factory last week described a place where men in tattered clothing ground rocks by hand to produce sand and talcum powder.
6·The factory was highly automated, with modern production techniques, not thousands of workers doing hand labor.
7·Old Mr.Lee put his son and daughter to work in the factory he owned but he never let them have any responsibility because he wanted to hold the whip hand over them as long as he lived.
8·Human go today, we first is directly bartering, industrial economy, a lot of the intermediate link, we have today a commodity from the factory to the consumer, 80% of the cost is hand channel cost.
9·The day before Rick Wagoner, GM’s chief executive, first visited Congress with his hand out, Indiana’s governor applauded the dedication of a new Honda factory.
就在通用首席执行官里克•瓦格纳(Rick Wagoner)第一次造访国会伸手要钱的前一天,印第安纳州州长还在给本田(Honda)在该州新建工厂的落成典礼捧场。
10·This factory produces China′s traditional hand craft:cloisonne,or Beijing enamel,as it is called.