lax regulation 双语例句
1·One was the collapse in 1991 of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, which led to accusations of lax regulation.
例如1991年国际商业信贷银行(The Bank of Credit and Commerce International)崩溃,导致几件管制疏失的控诉案;
2·The IMF says lax regulation and a failure to recognize the risks of highly leveraged loans contributed to the credit crisis.
3·Lax regulation in China was a contributing factor: the contaminated products may have been mislabelled to avoid inspections, but such inspections were rare in any case.
4·Although vodka, the national tipple, remains extremely popular, Russia's beer consumption has more than tripled in the past 15 years, boosted by low prices, ready availability and lax regulation.
5·Just now, many people will criticise regulation for being too lax.
6·The damage done to the financial system by lax controls, rotten incentives and passive regulation is plain.
7·Foreign bankers are plentiful, competition and greed is rampant, and regulation is lax.
8·Jean Tirole is really trying to understand what is it that drives the owners of Banks. What are their objectives, and what are they driven to do if regulation is very lax?
9·Revelations of shoddy construction and lax building regulation infuriated grieving parents in the aftermath of that disaster.