administrative officer 双语例句
1·The Procurement Specialist reports directly to the Administrative Officer.
2·The secretary of a company is an essential top-level administrative officer.
3·Discuss procurement and contract procedures with the Administrative Officer.
4·With the Administrative Officer, conclude all contracts (personnel and materials) and payments.
5·It is my responsibility, as the chief technical and administrative officer, to manage this Organization efficiently.
6·The company also said Pete Bocian, EVP and chief administrative officer, is leaving the company effective immediately.
惠普还宣布,执行副总裁兼首席行政官皮特·博西昂(Pete Bocian)将离开公司,且该决定即刻生效。
7·Moreover, in order to judge the dispute about the agent fees justly, the tribunal must include lawyer, judge and administrative officer.
8·The revised company Law has established the system of the company secretary formally, which has been defined as the administrative officer.
9·Mr. Callahan, now Citigroup's chief administrative officer, is likely to lose responsibility for marketing and will focus on operations and technology, these people said.Mr.
卡拉汉目前担任花旗集团首席行政长。 据称,他很可能不再负责市场营销,而专注于运营和技术方面的事务。
10·The investment banking side recently brought on board Mark Rufeh, a new chief administrative officer, who is well known as a cost-cutter from his time at Credit Suisse.
花旗投行部门最近聘请马克·鲁菲(Mark Rufeh)担任新的首席行政官,鲁菲在瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)任职时就以成本削减闻名。