common standard 双语例句
1·To compare findings between countries, a common standard is needed.
2·Even when firms agree on a common standard before going to market, negotiations can be difficult.
3·The implementation of a iSCSI SAN is relatively simple and cheap because it is based on common standard components.
iSCSI SAN 的实现比较简单且便宜,因为它基于常用的标准组件。
4·Often, different vendors of the same part may provide additional commands beyond the requirements of a common standard.
5·This takes the most common standard date formats: ISO dates (including year), just a time of day, or an offset in minutes.
6·They appraise a man by the common standard of all ages. They are not men of perfect practice. They just are peers of the common.
7·In his autobiography, Darwin wrote, I was considered by my father, a very ordinary boy, rather below the common standard in intellect.
8·This week's agreement between Nokia, Motorola and Ericsson is an important step: a common standard would facilitate credit card payments.
9·Particularly where several organizations are involved, close attention must be paid to ensure a common standard of appropriate health care.
10·The Listening and Reading test offers a common standard of measurement for comparing the language skills of current and potential employees.