temple garden 双语例句
1·Temple garden is a theme in the history of Chinese garden.
2·MASTER: Many people visit the temple garden at Dakshineswar.
3·Totapuri arrived at the Dakshineswar temple garden toward the end of 1864.
4·In China, the landscape is divided into three categories: royal garden, private garden and temple garden.
5·At this point the formation of the natural landscape garden, which is divided into literati gardens, royal gardens, temple gardens.
6·It analyzes the temple garden literature art from the viewpoints of literature art and landscape design to make a pilot study of the Huxiang temple gardens.
7·We should research, comprehend and draw artistic prime of temple garden literature continuously when study the Huxiang temple garden, so that enlighten the modern landscape design in future.
8·It contained the massive Temple DE Mayo, a twin-towered pyramid 197 feet tall, 45 public buildings, a palace, two zoos, a botanical garden, and many houses.
它有巨大的寺庙de Mayo,一个高达197英尺的双子金字塔,45个公共建筑,一个皇宫,两个动物园,一个植物花园,和许多房屋。
9·Arriving at the main shrine, you pass through the temple gate into this garden.
10·Its two famous sights are the temple and the Jichang Garden ( Garden for Ease of Mind ), all dating back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).
它的两个著名的景观是寺庙和寄畅园(“心灵放松之园”),都初建于明朝(1368 ~ 1644)。