make a break for it 双语例句
1·If the leopard seal loses its grip, the penguin will make a break for it.
2·In rare cases, they actually do make a break for it only to find fashion is harder to shake than they thought.
3·Penguins will go limp rather than struggle, if the leopard seal loses its grip, the penguin will make a break for it.
4·And when the door slammed shut and the armchair began wheeling around the room by itself, they all decided they had enough and attempted to make a break for it.
5·When you've got a planned break like a vacation coming up, make an effort to prepare for it.
6·If we ever wanted a robot that could unload the dishes, for instance, we'd want to make sure it doesn't break the wine glasses in the process.
7·Since it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, these 21 days will help to set the positive habits in place for the year and beyond.
8·After all, wouldn't it be great for your reputation if you could make magic happen and not break a sweat ?
9·Make sure that you do have that lunch break -it is not just for food but also for fresh air and a mental break.
10·Whether it's a chance for more responsibility or a request for annual leave, the tone of voice we use will make or break our chances for actually getting it.