perceived loss 双语例句
1·Partly, it is a simple matter of bristling at the perceived loss of sovereignty.
2·The negative impacts of technology surrounded the perceived loss of family time and activities.
3·For men, the resultant loss of status as sole financial provider for the family and the perceived loss of social status could all be risk factors for depression.
4·But many officials have concluded that, for now, the benefits of buying more Treasuries do not outweigh the costs of a damaging rise in inflation expectations and a perceived loss of independence.
5·But then the stock market crisis was widely perceived as having been caused by a technical strategy called program trading, and again there was no huge banking crisis or loss of confidence.
6·Organizational change normally involves some threat, real or perceived, of personal loss for those involved.
7·How we deal with the loss of our perceived reality and the old world will determine the next cycle of Earthly existence for humanity.