pump barrel 双语例句
1·One effective way is preferred pump barrel and plunger of materials and surface treatment processes.
2·The bending of pump barrel will not happen as low part fixed pumping piston going downward that only happens when it works in heavy oil well.
3·It is the key study how to make sure the pressure distribution of liquid in the pump barrel and to study the pump valve-ball's movement to improve the systematic efficiency.
4·The pump barrel of the hand-press pump is arranged in a liquid medicine box, and the pressure storage barrel is usually arranged at the outer side of the liquid medicine box.
5·Some experts predict oil prices will go as high as $100 a barrel, which could translate to roughly $4 a gallon at the pump by summer in some areas of the country, reports the Huffington Post.
由于近期中东局势的动荡,给美国已造成了很大的麻烦。 一些专家预测油价将会攀升至每桶100美元,赫芬顿邮报报道说这意味着在一些地区每加仑的油价将达到4美元。
6·OPEC is breaching its production limits the most in six years, signaling the world’s biggest suppliers are ready to pump more crude next year as oil rallies toward $100 a barrel.
7·The barrel, plunger and standing valve of the pump were designed, improving the barrel's force conditions and reinforcing the screw thread's sealing performance and tensile strength.
8·The Weatherford STP helps you reduce sand damage by moving sand upward through the pump and away from the barrel/plunger interface.
9·In accordance with this problem, a new pump of small diameter with double barrel has been developed. Experimental study of the deep pumping process has been conducted and attained a success.
10·The Sierra Club predicted: 'We're running out of oil we can pump from the ground and market for under $60 a barrel.