coffin nail 双语例句
1·I might have been inclined, myself, to regard a coffin nail as the deadest piece of ironmongery in the trade.
2·A fine would be the final nail in the coffin of the airline.
3·Both created a furore with the former revealing a massive fraud that represented the final nail in the coffin for the theory of global warming, deniers argued.
4·You may see text messages as another nail in the coffin of face-to-face human interaction.
5·The International Atomic Energy Agency is expected this week to publish a new report putting the final nail in the coffin of that assessment.
6·The affair could be the last nail in the coffin of public trust in bankers, sighs one investment-bank boss, adding that We can now add moral bankruptcy to the financial sort.
7·The $500-600 billion dollar annual pricetag may have just put a nail in the coffin of any agreement in emission cuts being chisled.
8·You really ought to stop smoking. Every cigarette you light up is another nail in your coffin。
你一定得戒烟,你每点上一枝香烟,就等于往坟墓跨近了一步。 这里的another nail in your coffin相当于中文的“催命符”,意思是有害健康、危及生命的东西。实际上人们给香烟起的绰号就是coffin nail。
9·This is really the nail in the coffin for that.
10·As he prepared to leave hospital Orwell received the letter from his publisher which, in hindsight, would be another nail in his coffin.
出院在即,奥威尔收到了出版商的催稿信。 事实上,这等于又往他的棺材上钉了颗钉子。