cherry stone 双语例句
1·I remember my aunt Mary used to say if you swallow a cherry stone, a tree will grow out of your mouth.
2·Deep red cherry trees are planted sporadically to offer shading for the stone benches beneath as well as visually demark the start of the garden village.
3·They added three distinct elements to redefine the floorplan: a small kitchen, a stone- and marble-lined bathroom and a bedroom surrounded by cherry wood-veneer wardrobes.
4·Cherry red stone laying on the balcony, the most important is to ask non-slip and wear.
5·Currently on the market, allowing the import cherry red stone with sandpaper scratches the surface, with the scratch the user's own handle it disappeared.
6·Laizhou cherry red, there are some within the pores, usually in the untreated stone pores, the breeding ground for bacteria or containing dirt, water, stone will decay over time or even rupture.
7·So the cherry on the balcony with the red stone of the future should pay attention to when choosing the color will not change.