ornamenting 双语例句
1·They are ornamenting a Christmas tree.
2·Slowly but surely, however, skyscrapers are ornamenting the skyline, as London's commercial-property market returns to life.
3·With no surface water, few aquifers, and little rainfall, the city used desalinization plants to convert ocean water to freshwater, ornamenting the city with golf courses, gardens, and palm trees.
由于表面缺少淡水、地下含水很少以及降雨量稀少,迪拜用有脱盐作用的植物把海水转化为淡水。 高尔夫球场、各种园林和高大的棕榈树点缀着整个城市。
4·The town donated land, local residents contributed office and medical equipment and some of the potential patients volunteered their weekends ornamenting the building that would become the clinic.