holle 双语例句
1·Mother Holle very soon got tired of her, and told her she might go.
2·She stayed on with Mother Holle for some time, and then she began to grow unhappy.
3·There's always tension, Holle says.
4·Holle, I have sent a photo to your email . please check it as soon as possible. …
5·Ron Holle says the best shelter is a car with metal top and sides or a typical house.
6·For someone who's changing the way business is done in the Amazon, Kurt Holle is remarkably low key.
7·Ron Holle is a lightning expert with Global Atmospherics, a company that runs a worldwide lightning detection network.
8·Only you must take care to make my bed well and shake it diligently until the feathers fly, then it will snow in the world. * I am Frau Holle.
你千万要当心,一定要整理好我的床铺,使劲儿抖我的床垫,要抖得羽绒四处飘飞,这样世界上就下雪了。 我是霍勒大妈。
9·We also need special zones where you do nothing else, ' says Holle, explaining that any hunting, fishing, mining, and logging would chase away wildlife and ruin the business.
10·Holle and his business partner, a fellow well-to-do white Peruvian named Eduardo Nycander, got into the ecotourism business in their early 20s using start-up money from friends and family.