section break 双语例句
1·I break this up across several listings even though it's just in one file so that I can explain each section a little more easily.
2·We break the form into sections and then we list the various components or tasks within each section.
3·The difference between a and a tag is that the former imposes a line break (like a paragraph), while the latter delineates a section of inline text.
4·You then break up the frame's content section into horizontal operands separated by a dashed line.
5·She's about to break through a brick wall to enlarge her children's section for my customers of the future.
6·A long vertical window frames a section of the brick wall behind the studio and creates a break between the two desk Spaces.
7·Break the section into subcategories so the reader can quickly scan through your knowledge of programs and applications.
8·The results show that the stress concentration is in the pointed Angle of composed face of rubber sealing X-ring change section, mainly in inner pointed Angle that it is easy to break.
9·Michael and Sara break into a town car they find in Section B23 of a parking lot at 48 Rockwell.
10·In the dialog, the section prior to the break remains unchanged. However, this time Jane has to work with this company, so she can't walk away.