diet book 双语例句
1·The Kind diet is not a diet book per se.
2·To sell a diet book you need some crazy idea of what to eat or not to eat.
3·To sell a diet book you need some crazy idea of what to eat or not to eat.
4·So you can generally skip the first chapter of any diet book without losing anything.
5·Not another diet book , you may say when picking up this latest guide to winning the battle of the bulge.
6·I was reading a diet book the other day. It said that if you eat meat and nothing else, you'll lose weight quickly.
7·Veronica:She's got a bee in her bonnet about healthy eating after reading a diet book, and she's trying to make him eat a more healthy diet.
8·I figured it was just like Diet For a New Americaand reading that book left me sad and unsettled.
9·Whether you are a vegan, a vegetarian, a carnivore, a conscientious omnivore, or a SAD diet devotee, this is a book you need to read.
10·In my book Mindless Eating, I emphasize these trade-offs are important because they keep us empowered and in control of our diet.