untitled 双语例句
1·The full-length feature, as yet untitled, will include interviews plus footage of their live gigs.
2·Relativity's still-untitled Snow White film, starring Lily Collins as Snow and Julia Roberts as the Evil Queen, is scheduled to be released on March 16.
由莉莉·柯林斯饰演白雪公主,茱莉亚·罗伯茨饰演邪恶的皇后,Relativity 公司尚未命名的《白雪公主》电影计划于3月16日上映。
3·Zeng Fanzhi, Untitled, oil on canvas, framed, 2006.
4·His works are evening star and Untitled song and so on.
5·A blank form is created and you can see a new section called Untitled (form).
这就创建了一个空表单,您可以看到一个名为Untitled (Form)的新区域。
6·I am sitting in the dusk, listening to loneliness weave an untitled tale.
7·The composition of blue and white in Untitled is unique among Zao's works.
8·Untitled. Some people told me that Now I told her the same as the previous.
9·Replace projector with the untitled reel and watch a home movie of some sort.
10·You can use the new session command on the File menu to open a new untitled session.
可以使用File菜单中的New Session命令打开新的无标题会话。
1·You can use the new session command on the File menu to open a new untitled session.
可以使用File菜单中的New Session命令打开新的无标题会话。
2·Just try a search in Google for untitled document and you won't believe the millions of results that matches your search.
1·Double click on the (untitled) view and the design of the view is opened (Figure 17)
双击(未命名的) view,打开该视图的设计(图 17)
2·The calculated value consists of a localizable resource string for untitled controls, plus (if there are multiple controls within the zone) a number based on the index of the control within the zone.
3·The calculated value consists of a localizable resource string for untitled controls.