closely integrate 双语例句
1·Closely integrate the two can complement each other greatly enhance the efficiency of plant and animal species improvement.
2·Construction is a comprehensive study of the works, schools need to closely integrate the various departments and jointly building.
3·The resort will take culture as the soul, tourism as a platform, originality as a link to closely integrate cultural communication and tourism promotion.
4·They will integrate the investigative work of int more closely into Bank operations and provide for ongoing monitoring and evaluation.
5·Many products integrate closely with Spring, and the benefits in this case are obvious.
6·That kind of integration with the browser, which is relatively easy, is a great way to integrate your site more closely into the user's desktop.
7·You can integrate these events together to develop your own widgets to more closely meet the needs of your business.
8·Tanzania must also decide whether to integrate more closely into the East African Community (EAC), which includes neighbouring Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.
9·The Samba team is constantly updating the software to make it integrate more closely with Microsoft networks and to replace Microsoft infrastructure.
10·Both services integrate closely with Twitter, and because the services support photo sharing, users of each site can send images back to their Twitter streams.