rap out 双语例句
1·He used to rap out messages on the wall when he was in prison.
2·We were both good signalers, and could rap out a good message pretty fast, Campbell says.
3·The leaf like metal sound pieces could swing along with the dance steps and rap out delightful sounds.
4·The beads could swing along with the dance steps and rap out delightful sounds just like dancing in a dream magical and romantic.
5·Rap on the wall with the heel of your shoe, someone will surely hear and let us out.
6·The songs bore testimony to his evolving musical journey from pop to hip hop and R&B, and the latest Chinked Out music that blends Chinese opera with Western hip hop and rap.
7·Every guy tries to get a Chinese woman out on a date and impress her with detailed rap or speech moves.
8·Life Kang but out of spirits stand, imitate a Buddha an one condemned to death on the tip of execution yard, prepare a to die, completely gave up to beg to living the hope for beating the rap.
9·Consequently, a tentative study on Rap slang is carried out from the perspective of sociolinguistics by certain qualitative research methods, focusing on relationships between language and culture.
10·Eminem's biggest influence as a kid was his Uncle Ronnie who was the same age as Eminem and introduced him to rap music. Eminem eventually dropped out of high school.