presume on 双语例句
1·Take care that you don't presume on my feelings.
2·I would not have allowed him to presume on our hospitality if I had any idea of his motives!
3·We would have to presume on the apartment staff for interviews. And I would personally preside over all of these interviews.
我们要利用 公寓内的工作人员,对他们进行面谈,而我将亲自主持所有这些面谈。
4·It is a great pleasure where one can indulge in it, ' said the young man, 'though there are not many houses that I should presume on so far;
5·The present Mr. Rochester's mother was a Fairfax, and second cousin to my husband: but I never presume on the connection -- in fact, it is nothing to me;
6·I presume you're here on business.
7·On principle, though, we presume that the young man should not face legal charges for anonymous comments left by others - no matter what those comments were.
8·No one said this explicily, but I presume there is a lot of de-normalization going on if you are avoiding joins.
9·In fact if I can presume to give advice, I think the Gaokao needs even more reform to give more emphasis on communication skills.
10·Also presume that it has registered the class on the instance of the parser.