production place 双语例句
1·Besides, biogas production place location and consumption point can be in different areas.
2·Hunan Province is an important cement production place in China. Cement industry is one of the seven pillar industries in Hunan.
3·Article 2 animal quarantine mentioned in these Measures shall refer to the production place quarantine and slaughter quarantine of animals and animal products.
4·Where using other's registered trademarks has been permitted, the names of the licensee and the production place of the commodity must be marked in the commodity using the registered trademark.
5·It is a Swiss company, but only a small proportion of its production takes place in Switzerland.
6·Agriculture takes place in nature, among ecosystems of interacting organisms and activity, and crop production takes place within that ecosystem environment.
7·Today, around 125,000 metric tons of silk is produced in the world, and almost two-thirds of that production takes place in China.
8·An opinion has it that it saw light in the period 200-300 A. D., the place of production being Kasmir.
它在200-300 A. D.时期看到了光,诞生地点是克什米尔。
9·The production virtual machine should be a resting place for thoroughly tested code -- not an additional development tool.
10·This allows the migration team to account for any problems when the production migration takes place.