order of battle 双语例句
1·He was distinctly pleased with his generalship: I prepared an excellent order of battle.
2·Order of Battle: Each market has a finite number of acquirers, and a finite number of deal-makers, each looking to fill specific product/market holes.
交易次序: 每一个市场的买家数量都有限,交易者的数量也有限,它们都希望填补特定的产品/市场空白。
3·Enemy order of battle (EOB) information Allows a rapid means to develop and track enemy order of battle information, especially in areas where information is sparse.
4·Richard of York Gave Battle in Vain, for example, is a mnemonic for recalling the colors of the visible spectrum in the right order (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet).
5·This latest order adds to a recent trend of the Defense Department ordering and using the unmanned systems in battle Settings.
6·Roman centurions needed a special kind of shoe in order to protect them in battle.
7·Other central banks, especially in Asia, continue to battle investors who are bidding up the value of their currencies in order to protect the competitiveness of export industries.
8·The battle lines of the new world order were exposed at the world Trade Organization this week.
9·The three clones and Yoda then had the get past an entire battalion of battle droids in order to secure a much needed treaty with King Katuunko of Toydaria.
10·They then had the get past an entire battalion of battle droids in order to secure a much needed treaty with King Katuunko of Toydaria.