the struggle for life 双语例句
1·Nelson Mandela referred to Nkosi as an icon of the struggle for life.
2·Found in the struggle for life goal, realize self-worth in the struggle!
3·Despite his terrible injuries, he wouldn't give up the struggle for life.
4·In 1859, Darwin's perception and evidence became on the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life.
5·I have some practical advice for you in this struggle, which is one of the great battles of life.
6·And you know that the only reason we stand here tonight is because men and women from both of our nations came together to work, and struggle, and sacrifice for that better life.
7·Delaying formal lessons until after a child turns six, to allow them to focus on play-based learning, so those who struggle at the age of four or five are not put off for life.
8·Meanwhile, the struggle for women's equality continues in many aspects of American life, and in countries around the world.
9·Although LCpl Buhler recovered from his stomach wounds relatively quickly, I am certain he will struggle with the mental image of his dying friend for the rest of his life.
10·They may be not on the national radar For me, in my own life, when I think of real heroes or even role models, or well-known people in the Patheon of struggle.