talking head 双语例句
1·I'm the walking dead, but I'm just a talking head, a zombie floating.
2·Take a break from simply being a talking head and introduce a prop or an audience participation exercise now and then.
3·We wanted to avoid making a typical historical doc - the kind that features talking head academics and long moves across still photographs.
4·Shanghai TV has managed to find a talking head who claims to have turned down Kate Middleton when she asked him out. Well, that sounds totally plausible.
5·Getting news from a rolling ticker or a talking head is like going to a restaurant and waiting patiently to be served whenever the staff gets around to it.
从滚动股票或者talking head(话痨?)这样的节目中获取信息,就好像你跑去一个餐厅然后很耐心的等着服务员什么时候晃过来为你服务。
6·Yet underlying the Tennessee fire debate is something much more serious and fundamental than the the back-and-forth, talking head battles about who was more at fault in this incident.
7·The effect was like a primitive version of a hologram: it looked at first glance like a real talking head inside the small box, but with red hair, wearing a baseball cap, and speaking in Chinese.
8·He behaved like a seriously odd person, talking off the top of his head.
9·The head is well domed, and his brow broad and well raised. He has a pleasant expression in talking, and indeed his manner can be described as distinctly prepossessing.
10·You're giving viewers the Berlusconi experience by immersing us in the world he lives in and that he's created, rather than having talking-head experts explain it all.