service bureau 双语例句
1·A film-transfer service bureau (find them online) can digitize your old reels of film.
2·You can also use the EPS file for creating archives and for printing documents on remote printers (such as printers at a service bureau).
3·User may not relicense, sublicense, rent, lease, or lend the Software for third party training, commercial time-training or service bureau use.
4·Image Doctor users include both professional and novice photographers, photo editors, service bureau professionals, graphic designers, and web designers.
5·Users interested in fax over IP can either purchase and install hardware and software on their own systems or outsource the capability to an IP faxing service bureau.
6·Learn how the relationship between the Service Bureau manager and the managers of other departments within their client company differs from what an in-house center manager experience.
7·Kangshuo President Bin Liu says, we are excited about creating the largest 3d printing service bureau in China and want to offer our customers the best possible products for the jewelry sector.
8·The service bureau and the reactiveness having reinforced a gleam of service people train the customer who is a company's turn to have set up the problem specially, answering and handling a customer.
9·Ms. Sato from Japan Travel Bureau says Japanese hotels and service providers have had to adapt to the tastes of the Chinese.
10·There are roughly 10,000 new - and used-car dealers in North America accredited by the Better Business Bureau, and an additional 15,000 that provide repair and service.