struct 双语例句
1·These are changes in struct cfs_rq.
以下是struct cfs_rq中的变动。
2·Declaring a new struct type is simple.
3·Listing 1. Definition of struct sg_io_hdr.
清单1 . sg_io_hdr结构的定义。
4·Listing 1. Important fields from struct key.
清单1 . struct key中的重要字段。
5·This is very useful for accessing members of a struct.
6·The general format of a struct document is as follows.
“ struct ”文档的常用格式如下。
7·Listing 1 shows some important fields from struct key.
清单1给出struct key中一些重要的字段。
8·Listing 11. Possible flag values of struct key fields.
清单11 . struct key字段可能的标志值。
9·Those functions can then be called as methods on the struct.
10·A struct that represents a 'potential request for cancellation'.
1·A little extra work would also allow tables containing full struct definitions; a little more would ensure that space isn't wasted at the front of the array with useless empty entries.
2·The register can hold the address of the whole struct, and the numeric portion can be modified depending on the structure member to be accessed.
3·From the globals, you can find an embedded struct which holds gc configuration and management information (CVMglobals.gc).
从全局,你可以找到一个内嵌的结构,它把握gc的配置和管理信息(CVMglobals . gc)。
4·Now, you might think that this would cause problems for programs calling malloc -- how do they know about this struct?
现在,您可能会认为当程序调用 malloc 时这会引发问题 —— 它们如何知道这个结构?
5·All the classes, struct, enums (and so on) under this stereotyped UML package will be generated within this namespace in the generated code.
这个stereotyped UML包下所有的类、结构、枚举(以及其它)生成代码之后,都将包括在这个名字空间中。
1·Returns a struct containing a member named url, which provides the url of the file using either HTTP or FTP.
2·Then, let's say that the address of the struct itself is in a register called register X.
然后,假设这个结构体本身的地址在一个名为 X 的寄存器中。
3·A struct that represents a 'potential request for cancellation'.
4·So, the struct size also varies depending on kernel configuration, and you can't get it from user-space.
5·Designated Initializers in C99: How to handle empty uninitialized struct members in C11?