principal office 双语例句
1·The voting trustee must deliver copies of the extension agreement and list of beneficial owners to the corporation's principal office.
2·Principal office means the office (in or out of this state) so designated in the annual report where the principal executive offices of a domestic or foreign corporation are located.
3·One wet, rainy April afternoon Miss O'Shay, the principal, sent for Nancy Lee to stop by her office as school closed.
4·The Fed has created its own Office of Financial Stability Policy and Research, with 20 staff, which will be a principal source of expertise for the FSOC.
5·The boom in intellectual property has been good for the Patent Office; patents are its principal source of income.
6·While Harry waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the principal what the situation was.
7·Other supporters of the prime minister are calling for Mr Fini, the principal cause of Mr Berlusconi’s weakening grip on office, to resign as speaker of the lower house.
贝卢斯科尼大权日益削弱的主要原因就是Fini。 因此,首相的其他支持者要求Fini下课,退居下议院作发言人,但并没有出言不逊。
8·When I reached the office, the school secretary ushered me in to see the principal without making me wait-not exactly a good sign.
9·Bryan: It's about how the principal of the school plays video games all day in his office.
10·Please check-in at the Admission Office before 9:00am on the Exam Day with this notice, report card and the reference letter from the previous school principal.