turn to account 双语例句
1·Of late the West Indian coffee has sold so cheap that it does not turn to account to send it to England.
2·Oh, that a time might soon come for you to turn your skill to some account!
3·Some people worry that their relative lack of experience may keep women quiet on boards, and that in turn could mean that boards might become less able to hold managers to account.
4·Why does anyone think criminals won't be able to use the same system to steal bank account and credit card information, use it to launch other attacks or turn it into a massive spam-sending network?
5·If we are to receive benefit from our captivity we must accept the situation and turn it to the best possible account.
6·All that's required to turn this system into a reliable payment mechanism is a service provider willing to link that unique identifier to a bank account or credit card.
7·Each of these Banks, in turn, delivers a bank-specific configuration of the Account Opening services to its customers.
而每个银行反过来将向其客户交付银行特定的Account Opening服务配置。
8·IF you meet a bear in the woods, try not to panic or scream; on no account should you turn your back and run.
9·Asia's persistent current account surpluses and undervalued currencies could add to pressures to erect barriers in the us and Europe if things turn bad.
10·Some argue that once these factors are taken into account, an exodus of highly skilled people could turn out to be a net benefit to the countries they leave.