channel request 双语例句
1·After a service provider receives a request, it performs the service and then puts the result in a message on the agreed-upon reply channel.
2·This avoids the problem of congesting the network channel with non-critical resources when a high-priority request is pending.
3·The caller can't just put any request message format on any request channel; it has to know exactly the right message format and channel for the specific service it wishes to invoke.
4·First, send the request using any transport channel, and receive the response using a different channel but with the same type of transport.
5·The consumer can't just put a request on any request channel; it has to know the right channel to use to invoke the particular service it needs.
6·Once again the requester channel will be unable to initiate the request to the server channel, and would go into retry mode because the IP address of the HQ server system would have changed.
7·For example, when it takes a considerable amount of time to process the request, the transport channel might time out.
8·The WSDL associated with a request channel would describe what service that channel provides as well as the format of the request message the consumer must provide.
9·At the same time, you can use an HTTP channel to send the request, close it after the message has been sent, and use a different HTTP channel to receive the response.
10·This allows for the sender of this message to request that only messages related to the WS-RM Sequence specified be sent on the back channel.
这就允许此消息的发送方请求仅通过回发通道发送与指定的WS - RM Sequence相关的消息。