open learning 双语例句
1·Just entered high school I was not completely adapt to the open learning, and a lot of free time is wasted.
2·In implementing an open learning environment, the most important problem for consideration is the methods used to achieve openness.
3·With smart power also means you have the ability to the team and organization to create and maintain a more free and open learning environment and culture.
4·This paper discusses the supports of digital library for open learning environment, and probes into how digital library to serve the open learning environment.
5·When Spot and Stripe were four months old, they were learning how to open doors and jump fences, and we knew it really was time for them to go.
6·If you can't open a file (文件) , how can you continue your learning?
7·At Udemy, an open university offering online courses, Artist Anneke Camstra is engaged in the pursuit of lifelong learning and displays her potential for teaching.
在 Udemy,一所提供在线课程的开放大学,艺术家安妮可·卡姆斯特拉致力于终身学习的追求,并展示了她的教学潜力。
8·One group eventually figured out how to open the other door (by accident), but even so Stoinski said the experiment was one of the first controlled demonstrations of social learning in lemurs.
9·To test prosimian social learning abilities, Stoinski and her team built a snack-filled tube with two different ways to open it -a hinged door and a sliding door.
10·AARs help us keep open a steady dialogue about learning and improvement.