letter of reference 双语例句
1·I have a letter of reference here from my employer there.
2·Miss Ma has asked me to write a letter of reference on her behalf.......
3·Remember, it is a letter of reference and not a letter of recommendation.
4·That same professor wrote a letter of reference for my transfer to a UC school, and then again for my graduate school applications.
5·The only way to strengthen the quality of librarians, strengthened within the letter of reference services, in order to adapt to the diverse needs of modern readers.
6·Get into the habit of asking for a letter of reference from someone who you have worked with who might be moving on and ask that person if they would be willing to serve as a verbal reference as well.
7·(this is an apparent reference to Malcolm Boulton who has denied any knowledge of this letter or involvement in its writing.)
8·Jobs made no direct reference to his health problems in his letter of resignation to the Apple board.
9·With reference to your letter of the 6th inst., we are glad to inform you that there has been a great demand for the articles.
10·With reference to your letter of Sep.21, 2004, we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into 1 trade relations with our corporation in the line of canned goods.