young economist 双语例句
1·The Laffer Curve. In the 1970s the young economist Arthur Laffer proposed a wild idea.
2·In 1991 he had received the John Bates Clark medal for the best young economist, which is widely seen as a stepping stone to a Nobel award.
3·TEN years ago the economist published an article about the eight best young economists in the world; academics in their mid-30s or younger who had already achieved star status within their profession.
4·Like Ms Finkelstein, Raj Chetty, recently hired by Harvard from the University of California, Berkeley, is a promising young public economist : a student of tax and spend.
像Finkelstein女士一样,Raj Chetty是一个充满希望的年轻“公共经济学家”:税收和消费的研究者。他最近被哈佛大学从加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校雇用。
5·The careers of young people who are unemployed for a year or more are likely to be permanently scarred, says Paul Gregg, an economist at Bristol University.
6·Economist Cyn Young Park, with the Asian Development Bank in Manila, says these are uncertain times for Asian investors as well those in the West.
7·The seemingly endless flow of young Chinese workers that helped to create the country's economic miracle has now finally dried up, according to a leading economist.
8·In 1991, observes Harvard economist Susan Dynarski, only Canada and Finland had a higher share of young people with college degrees.
哈佛大学的经济学家苏珊“戴纳·斯基(Susan Dynarski)发现,1991年时年轻人口中的大学毕业生比例只有加拿大和芬兰比美国高。”
9·ILO economist Steve Kapsos said this scarred generation of young workers continues to grow.