dog racing 双语例句
1·Songzhuang Village is famous for dog racing.
2·Many mountain lakes freeze over during winter and are used for curling, horse and dog racing, particularly around St. Moritz.
许多山区的湖泊冬天全部结冰,为掷石,骑马和塞狗提供场所,特别是圣莫里茨地区(St. Moritz)比较流行。
3·But the majority of those attending dog racing (74%), harness racing (74%), horse racing (70%), motor sports (69%), and tennis (65%) did so only once or twice.
4·I like winter sports, like ice hockey, bobsledding, dog sled racing. You should know about those.
5·So the breeder gave him to Jeremy Dingle, who soon realised that he had a special pup, now a top dog in the dachshund-racing[1] world.
Jeremy Dingle很快就发现,他得到了一只特别的小狗,现在是达克斯狗赛[1]界的佼佼者。
6·Any of a breed of swift, short-haired dog developed in England for racing, resembling the greyhound but smaller.
7·In Britain people like watching horse-racing and dog-racing.
8·Dog sled racing is the most well known form of mushing - dogs pulling a sled on snow.
9·Dog sled racing is the state sport of Alaska and is popular throughout North America and Europe.
10·For those who wish to see life through their dog's eyes, Stein has created a philosophical dog who examines television shows and contemplates the racing life of his master Denny Swift.