mining disaster 双语例句
1·More than ten people were killed in the mining disaster.
2·Rock burst is a mining disaster, which can bring large harm.
3·The mining disaster not only teaches us a bitter lesson, but also reveals the blind area of law.
4·As the depth of mining and horizontal extents increasing, rock-burst becomes the main cause of mining disaster.
5·West Virginia's mining disaster and the Gulf of Mexico oil spill were disastrous and investigations are justified, but the real threat is much worse.
6·A similar type of explosion occurred in the 2006 Sago mining disaster, which left 12 miners dead after trapping them underground for nearly two days.
7·In early April, 29 coal miners were lost after an accident at West Virginia's Upper Big Branch mine in the worst U.S. mining disaster in four decades.
8·The analytic function of GIS was used to inter - process the mining disaster data base and formed three sub - systems. This thesis also analyzed the three sub - systems.
利用G IS特有的分析功能,对矿区灾害数据库进行交互操作,形成了三个子系统,并对它们进行了分析。
9·But such disaster can be prevented if consumers simply refuse to purchase products that are made with CCCs copper until the company abandons its mining plans.
10·Mining copper on this land will inevitably result in pollution and environmental disaster, since West Fredonia is home to several endangered animal species.
在这些地方采矿将会不可避免地导致污染和环境灾害,因为West Fredonia是很多濒危物种的栖居地。