Charles XII 双语例句
1·Charles XII inherited the crown of Sweden in 1697 at the age of 15.
2·The flight of Charles XII from Turkey in 1714 put an end to these contacts.
3·dubiousBased on what I see looking at the history books, the European world did go pale at the name of Charles XII.
基于我在历史书中所读到的文字,对于卡尔十二世的威名,当时的欧洲 确实 是到了谈虎色变的地步。
4·He is a good storyteller and has a rather 17th-century way of sketching characters: Charles XII of Sweden, for example, “abstained from women and alcohol, but enjoyed wrestling with bears”.
他擅长讲故事,有着17世纪的叙事风格, 比如说瑞典国王查理十二,他的描述就是“[font=宋体]酒色不沾,独乐与熊摔跤”。
5·The writing explains that the vessel contains “the greatest heart that had any lady in the world”. Anne, Duchess of Brittany was twice queen of France, marrying, in turn, Charles VIII and Louis XII.
6·Here is Charles VIII, Louis XII and Francois I, it was primarily they who brought to the region: painters, cabinet-makers, sculptors, and architects, who were to live and work here.