self portrait 双语例句
1·We played a bomb bunker, 56 people laugh, self portrait, paste the nose... Each game is very interesting.
2·Using computer scans she found that the face on the Turin Shroud and a self portrait of Leonardo da Vinci share the same dimensions.
3·Self Portrait, from 1630, is one of only five paintings he executed on copper, and one of his smallest, the size of a hardback book.
4·In a Mike Williams cartoon, two women scrutinizing Rembrandt's self portrait say, You'd think that if he'd been that successful he would have had his nose fixed.
Mike William的某部卡通中,两个女人仔细观察林布兰的自画像说,“想想看,如果他当时就这么有名的话,他就会去整他的鼻子了。”
5·On Dec. 22, 2000, Pierre-August Renoir’s Young Parisian and Conversation with a Gardner as well as a self portrait by Rembrandt disappeared from the National Museum in Stockholm, Sweden.
6·X-ray examination of a recently discovered painting—judged by some authorities to be a self-portrait by Vincent van Gogh—revealed an under image of a woman's face.
对最近发现的一幅画作被一些权威人士判定为文森特·凡高的自画像,对其进行的 X 光检查揭示了一个女人脸部的底层图像。
7·Because the face of the woman in the under image also appears on canvases Van Gogh is known to have painted, the surface painting must be an authentic self-portrait by Van Gogh.
8·The Spot: a moonlit self-portrait, Grenadines, Caribbean.
9·Almost everything, she confessed, could be seen as a self-portrait.
10·As I was leaving the gallery I found out who the old man was -his self-portrait was on the posters advertising the exhibition!