sweep gas 双语例句
1·The mass transfer effect of MA when using absorption solution is better than using vacuum-pumping and sweep gas .
2·In this paper, the necessary of sweep gas, the ratio of water versus oxygen of the feed gas as well as its pressure are studied to examine their effects on separation process.
3·Prepositive polymer slug displacement can decrease the effect by the formation heterogeneity, prevent the gas breakthrough and improve the displacement sweep efficiency of the injective gas.
4·Gas occurrence boiler ignition former must sweep of heating furnace and flue gas may remaining.
5·For the reservoir with high water cut, alternative injection of gas and solution can improve sweep efficiency, increase producing reserves and recovery factor.
6·The natural gas is to sweep, efficiently, high-quality energy and the chemical engineering raw material, is petroleum and coals best in lieu of energy.
7·An oil reservoir with a free gas cap that supplies the energy to sweep the oil through the reservoir rock into the Wells.