home stretch 双语例句
1·Just relax! You are now in the home stretch.
2·Previews: The home stretch, expect to lose money here.
3·No matter which is the case here, rest assured we're in the home stretch now.
4·The launching is the first of the year as the shuttle program enters its home stretch of five missions this year.
5·If both candidates have equal support, they are said to be running neck and neck. And candidates enter the home stretch when the race is near the end.
6·What you may not realize is that with just a little bit more work, you can have all the letters in CRUD handled — you're practically on the home stretch!
7·Prepping for E3: As we come down the home stretch of making Age of Empires 3, we take some time out of development to help market and publicize the coming game.
8·FaceTime with a relative as you strength train or stretch at home.
9·The French bistro is located on a stretch of food-centric Smith Street that is home to four other French restaurants.
10·We followed a particular fish, from its grave yard in a stretch of ocean west of the most northerly atoll of the Maldives - all the way to a dinner plate in a suburban home in Bristol.