more characteristic 双语例句
1·They have one more characteristic that's very important, and that is that they are exceptionally resistant to salt water.
2·These adjectives apply to what is more characteristic of lower animals than of human beings.
3·One hand, it makes consumers obtain more choice and convenience to purchase services products, and demand firms provide more characteristic ones.
4·At the information society, the people's life style is more characteristic, the principle and strategies of the design is also becoming more complicated.
5·Besides, Shadow, the most important subject formed earlier was put into different situations in life, and Shadow started to gain more characteristic expression.
6·Umami perception is stimulatedby glutamicacid, one of the 20 amino acids that make up proteins—but one that is more characteristic of animal proteins than plant ones.
7·Sometimes when performing the ANA test, the substrate cells demonstrate particular patterns of staining. This is the so-called rim pattern that is more characteristic of SLE.
8·This suggests not only that the trait of patience predates the split between humans and chimpanzees, some 4m years ago, but that the trait seems more characteristic of chimps than people.
9·This characteristic benefits the investor more than the startup.
10·The next section speaks to cost specifically, but this characteristic speaks more to the efficient use of the available resources over their cost.