high colour 双语例句
1·You have a high colour.
2·For most desktops, high colour 16-bit depth is adequate.
3·Food light luster, high colour indicators. Suit for of lighting search light, and photography lighting in picture office.
4·The effect of the invention is the environment-friendly full bean oil based news ink made by the method, which has high colour density, good rheological property and degradable quality;
本发明的效果是使用该方法制得的环保型全豆油基新闻油 墨,具有色密度高、流变性好、可降解的品质;
5·It is an important term in photography to denote the quality of a light source. Sources rich in red light have a low colour temperature and sources rich in blue light have a high colour temperature.
6·The new OS can accommodate high-resolution colour screens of 320 by 320 pixels.
7·The colour effects of metal nanoparticles in stained glass has inspired new research into optoelectronics for faster computing and high-capacity optical-data storage media.
8·As with strong colour and 3d effects, appealing ICONS and buttons can add that bit of polish to help give a page a high-quality feel.
9·However, until now it wasn't known whether the bees' full colour vision was able to keep up with their high speed flight.
10·Leaves rustle, and write their own music? The sound of high and low, full of sound and colour.