movie makers 双语例句
1·It's about time a few movie makers with original ideas were given a chance.
2·The movie makers require dream to manifest more movies;
3·Mothers through the Eyes, and the Years, of TV and Movie Makers.
4·With this vital source of income taken away, The movie makers resorted to legal tactics.
由于切断了他们最重要的收入来源, 电影制作者们开始诉诸法律手段。
5·More and more movie makers adopted art FX as their art and commercial advantages. so there has been a wonder of movie.
6·Sony, on the other hand, supports the Blu-ray format, as do the movie makers at Walt Disney, Twentieth Century Fox and MGM.
7·That the movie makers had violated her own rights to privacy, and that the slander was only so vigorous because they were scared.
8·Why is it that movie makers feel the need to use bogus science when the real science is probably more exciting than the made-up stuff?
9·Esher-born Lily, who is dating former Doctor Who star Matt Smith, 32, recently hit back at claims that movie makers had digitally altered her figure.
10·Indian movie makers also are looking to import Hollywood's higher production values and a Hollywood-style studio film-development system that Bollywood traditionally has lacked.