quarter day 双语例句
1·With a modern calendar, however, the real cross-quarter day will occur next week.
2·As the saying goes: spring season that year, the quarter day is morning. We should cherish this wonderful time, learn in the future to contribute to the motherland.
3·One serving provides nearly a quarter of the sodium a person needs each day.
4·Our senior management team now meets for a full day each quarter to discuss environmental issues and projects.
5·Who eats one square of chocolate a day — and who eats just a quarter of a square a day?
6·GERMAN GDP figures for the fourth quarter of 2008, set for release on Friday February 13th, and figures for the euro-area economy, released later the same day may make for grim reading.
7·Are you like me who assumed for so long that these things were things that were to be regarded as rewards once you had achieved your goals for the day, week or quarter?
8·Essentially, you can start and stop requests all day long and you are only billed for your usage, billed at the end of the quarter.
9·The GDP for the fourth quarter will be announced on the Budget Day. We expect it to return to a year-on-year positive growth.
10·In a study of 2, 032 representative 8 - to 18-year-olds, the Kaiser Family Foundation found that nearly half used the Internet on a typical day in 2004, up from just under a quarter in 1999.
通过对2032名具有代表性的8到18岁孩子的研究,凯塞家庭基金会(Kaiser Family Foundation)发现,2004年大约有近一半的人平时都会上网,而在1999年平时上网的人不到四分之一。