multiple comparison 双语例句
1·The experimentation was designed in random block design and the LSD was used to put up multiple comparison.
2·Results: The SAS codes were presented. The parameter estimations and multiple comparison results were interpreted.
3·The simple factor analysis of variance and further statistical method of multiple comparison and independent exponent t-test were used.
4·Multiple comparison analysis of 4 characters shows that morphological characters in different habitats have differentiated in some degree.
5·The correct responses were analyzed with 3-factor repeated measures analysis of variance, multiple comparison analysis, and pairwise T-test.
6·Adopting ANOVA of unbalanced data, evaluating the effect of different treatment, the best treatment through the multiple comparison graph is got.
7·And then factor scores to cluster analysis and multiple comparison of means to observe the different groups of people clustering of the different conditions and a stable condition.
8·If you select multiple definition entries in the history grid, you can compare the properties in a new property comparison pane.
9·After process enhancements are modeled by you, these changes can be simulated and validated in multiple what-if scenarios for comparison and analysis.
10·The Guru turned and continued as she walked away, The, er, key, my apprentice, is to keep your wits about you when writing comparison functions that deal with multiple fields.