smog alert 双语例句
1·Perhaps inspired by the nuclear-fallout shelters of the ‘50s and ‘60s, Bill Bounds stands at the entrance to his underground smog-alert chamber in the L.A. suburb of Manhattan Beach in 1971.
或许是受到了1950、60年代的核微粒遮蔽所的启发,比尔·庞斯(Bill Bounds)站在他在曼哈顿海滩洛杉矶郊区自建的烟雾报警室的入口。 时间为1971年。
2·The Airparif monitoring agency said smog density was still near alert levels Monday, but rain forecast for Tuesday was expected to clear the air.
3·A smog-shrouded Chinese city canceled airline flights Sunday due to poor visibility and parents took children to hospitals on the second day of a pollution alert across the country's north.
4·The announcement came last night as Beijing has extended its orange alert forheavy air pollution again as smog is expected to persist until the weekend.
5·An even larger region is under orange alert for smog, after red alerts late last month forced traffic off the roads and closed some schools.
6·Beijing has issued and extended an orange alert for heavy air pollution as persistent smog continues to shroud the Chinese capital.