attach to 双语例句
1·No one is suggesting that any health risks attach to this product.
2·When they reach full size, they attach to a leaf by their tail, and a pupa is formed.
3·She trying to come up with a lable to attach to nutria fashions to show it is eco-friendly.
她试图想出一个标签,贴在 nutria 时装上,以显示它是环保的。
4·While I tend to buy a lot of books, these three were given to me as gifts, which might add to the meaning I attach to them.
5·For all the feelings readers attach to stories, literature is a numbers game, and the test of time is extremely difficult to pass.
6·Different smells can provide us with intimate and emotionally charged experiences and the value that we attach to these experiences is interiorised by the members of society in a deeply personal way.
7·Create a PDF version to attach to your email cover letters.
创建 PDF 版本以附加到您的电子邮件求职信。
8·Intimin is an adhesion protein that allows the bacteria to attach to cells in the gut.
9·They attach to the cell surface via specific receptors and are taken up by an endosomal vesicle.
10·These tools then 6 attach to your rope.