you live and learn 双语例句
1·You live and learn.
2·I had no idea they were related. Oh well, you live and learn.
3·I had no idea that she was as old as that. Well, you live and learn.
我不知道她老成了那个样子。 真是不看不知道,一看吓一跳。
4·Needless to say, that was not my best interview. But, you live and learn. I'll know next time to keep my mouth shut!
5·You live and you learn and you grow.
6·Marshall knew that where you live and work affects what you learn and what you earn.
7·If you live in the U.S and want to learn Chinese, there is nothing stopping you from doing so.
8·For example, if you want to learn Spanish and you live in many parts of the United States, there may be a local station broadcasting in Spanish.
9·Only as you and I learn to live in God’s family will our lives be successful, only as we find our part in the church will our lives fulfill God’s purpose.
只有我们学会在上帝的家庭中生活,我们的人生才会变得成功。 只有 我们找到自己在教会中的位置时,才算是实现了上帝创造我们的目的。
10·Only as you and I learn to live in God's family will our lives be successful, only as we find our part in the church will our lives fulfill God's purpose.
只有我们学会在上帝的家庭中生活,我们的人生才会变得成功。 只有我们找到自己在教会中的位置时,才算是实现了上帝创造我们的目的。