Rossiya 双语例句
1·The bank advertises itself as Rossiya: the country of opportunities.
2·For the next two days, the Rossiya wove tentatively around mountains shrouded in mist.
3·Rossiya-24 showed hundreds of people around the Katyn monument, many holding Polish flags, some weeping.
Rossiya - 24播放了数百人站在卡廷纪念碑周围的情景,许多人拿着波兰国旗,有的在哭泣。
4·The plane tilted to the left before crashing, eyewitness Slawomir Sliwinski told state news channel Rossiya-24.
这架飞机坠毁前倾斜到左边,目击者斯瓦沃米尔-希利·温斯基告诉国家新闻频道Rossiya - 24。
5·As we wondered whether the other two bunks would be taken, there was a sudden jolt and the Rossiya wearily pulled out of Yaroslavskaya station.
6·The next morning, some 148 hours after leaving Moscow, the Rossiya pulled into a cold and dank Vladivostok station, three minutes ahead of schedule.
7·These decorations were installed near the Rossiya Hotel in 2006. Back then they made kids happy but now they scary the people who happen to pass by.
8·Irrespective of nationality, education, linguistic skills or faith, the universal warmth of the people I'd met on the Rossiya made the journey unique.
9·Rossiya-24 showed footage from the crash site, with pieces of the plane scattered widely amid leafless trees and small fires burning in woods shrouded with fog.
10·During an appearance on the state TV channel Rossiya, the station cut between his comments and TV footage of lines at soup kitchens and crowds of homeless people in the U.S..