quarterly journal 双语例句
1·Published in the Quarterly Journal for Studies on Alcohol, the 1962 study was received with much skepticism.
2·Overall, the younger people, who had an average age of 23, did better, the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology reports.
3·A quarterly journal aimed at advancing the theory and practice of acquisition, definition, organization, management, and dissemination of digital information via global networking.
4·Participated in establishing academic quarterly journal Eastern Rock Color and served as an assistant editor Xuan (the second) is selected into the Light of College exhibition;
参与创办学术季刊《东方岩彩》,并任主编助理,中国北京; 《铉(之二)》作品入选“学院之光”展,中国北京;
5·The results were published in the Journal of Phonetics quarterly magazine.
6·She recently published a book of poetry, a Ray Squeezed Through, in an effort to promote her new literary journal, LE Quarterly.
她最近也出版了一本诗集《一束希望之光》,努力提升她的新的文学期刊“ LE Quarterly ”的地位。
7·The research was published this week in the journal School Psychology Quarterly.
8·The research will published in the March 2011 issue of the journal Psychology of Women Quarterly.
9·The findings, announced today, are detailed in the journal Social Science Quarterly.
10·Dr Kanazawa's research, in the journal Social Psychology Quarterly, also claims that intelligent people are less likely to believe in God or hold conservative views. Kanazawa.