crowd funding 双语例句
1·Chauncy is a top student who is doing his best to make it in a world with no money and very few resources, White explained on the crowd funding site.
2·Chauncy is a top student who is doing his best to make it in a world with no money and very few resources. White explained on the crowd funding site.
3·It costs nothing for a project creator to list a project on a crowd funding platform.
4·Perhaps he should start a crowd funding website to help pay for the cost of finding and recovering the hard drive.
5·Crowd funding leverages the visibility, power and nearly instant feedback of social media to raise money for business ventures or projects.
6·Crowd funding is known to offer project creators exposure, social proof, market validation, a loyal customer following, as well as funding.
7·Those who sign up for Wanda's crowd funding project, Stable Earner No 1, can expect annualized returns of 12%, generated through rental fees from completed Wanda Plazas.
8·Crowd funding offers a way in which innovators and entrepreneurs can seek commercial validation and pre-commitment before they need to commit to spending a single cent themselves.
9·The minimum funds required to run the event are under-written by the success of the crowd funding campaign, and falling short costs them nothing should the target not be achieved.
10·But used strategically, crowd funding can offer innovators and entrepreneurs a way of mitigating risk when the requirement is there to reach minimum order quantities or subscriptions.