annihilates 双语例句
1·It annihilates the desire to act.
2·Sitting in chairs does not discipline children, it annihilates them.
3·Antimatter, which annihilates matter upon contact, seems to be rare in the universe.
4·This material force annihilates fantasies and the most profound sentiments of the world.
5·However, it's rare to find antimatter in our universe, since it annihilates almost instantly when it comes into contact with matter.
6·First, it's not normal matter, but its eerie opposite, called antimatter, which annihilates whenever it comes into contact with regular mass.
7·The great redeeming feature of poverty, George Orwell wrote after his excursions in the social gutters of Paris and London, is the fact that it annihilates the future.
“贫困的一大可取之处就是它破坏了未来”,George or well参观了巴黎和伦敦的社会贫民窟后写道。
8·The “great redeeming feature of poverty, ” George Orwell wrote after his excursions in the social gutters of Paris and London, is “the fact that it annihilates the future”.
“贫困的一大可取之处就是它破坏了未来”,George Orwell参观了巴黎和伦敦的社会贫民窟后写道。
9·Antimatter, first predicted by physicist Paul Dirac in 1931, has the opposite charge of normal matter and annihilates completely in a flash of energy upon interaction with normal matter.
反物质,首先是由保罗·狄拉克(Paul Dirac)于1931年所预先估计出来的,它有着与正常物质相反的电荷,可以在一瞬间内与正物质能量的相互作用而湮灭。
10·The ways of desire for quick success has caused the student thesis goal dislocation, strangling students' individuality, and at the same time it also annihilates students' writing interest.