account type 双语例句
1·This is the best safety funds account type.
2·On the general properties page, select the run as account type.
3·If you have paypal account type the id and password and finish the transaction.
4·The user can apply for multiple bank accounts, choosing from either a checking or savings account type.
5·In the preceding form, the grid displays the users list and their account type whether Administrator or Limited user.
6·This can be done based on specific values such as source system or account type, on date ranges, or other query-based conditions.
7·Should you ever need to select a new account type, our specialists will work with you to close your current account and to open a new account with your updated information.
8·Account — an entity bean that represents a user account and permits operations to get the account information, set, subtract and add to the balance, and get and set the account type.
9·For example, if account Numbers are assigned across all types of accounts, account type may need to be used along with account Number to form the primary key of the accounts entity.
例如,如果所有类型的账户都被指定一个Account Number,那么可能需要使用Account Type和Account Number一起作为Accounts实体的主键。
10·Often they fail to take into account the overall big picture of what those applications need to be used for, which, in many cases, involves solving some type of critical business need.