if-then 双语例句
1·Both use the same if-then rule template.
这两个规则都使用同一个if - then规则模板。
2·This business rule is a simple if-then rule.
这条业务规则是一个简单的if - then规则。
3·An if-then rule can have one or more conditions.
if - then规则可以具有一个或多个条件。
4·You can? T test it out with a simple if-then code.
您不能通过一个简单的if - then代码测试出来。
5·It may be thought of as an if-then-else construct.
可以将其看作是一种if - then - else构造。
6·This category includes if-then statements and decision tables.
这个类别包括if - then语句和决策表。
7·Right-click Rules and select Add If-Then Rule twice to add two rules.
右键单击 Rules 并选择 Add If-Then Rule 两次,以添加两个规则。
8·These policies are typically depicted in if-then-else policy statements.
9·You can create a rule template for either an if-then rule or an action rule.
您可以为 if-then 规则或操作规则创建规则模板。
10·At a given if-then-else statement, the if part is the path that was executed.
对于给定的if - then - else语句,if部分就是被执行的路径。